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PRO-Fit Technologies

Pro-Fit Technologies is a start-up neuro sports and wellness training systems company, featuring state-of-the-art technology products and services for sports, fitness and wellness-rehabilitation markets.

Who We Are   What We Do

About Us

We Create Game Changers

Our Vision is to research and develop the next wave of human enhancement tools for the sports, fitness and wellness markets. We create Game Changers – those individuals and teams who have the desire to drive themselves above and beyond when the going gets tough; to be able to tap into all of their assets, mind, body, and spirit, and to find that magical Flow-Zone, where all those elements seem to work in perfect synchronicity, especially under stress & fatigue.

Our Services


Pro-Fit’s champion Hardware Product is the edge Speed PUK, a first of its kind multi-sensor true Timing Gate and Reaction Training Light in a single device. It can be used as a stand-alone Timing Gate or combination Reaction Training Light that directs and records response times and actions for an unlimited number of speed and agility training exercises.


The Edge Report is a graphic summary of a user’s performance metrics and a powerful tool for analyzing and inspiring individual and team performance. It is derived through the data collected from the multi-sensor Speed Puk and other devices in the EDGE digital eco system.


Offers Data Products generated from the EDGE ecosyetm products, apps and subscription users, which may include demographic information, physical attributes, education, age, and physical performance data made available to sports agents, sport teams, wellness researchers, marketing researchers as well as providing valuable information back to Pro Fit for further product research and development.

Our News


Better User Interface

Sint commodo ut excepteur esse in dolor est pariatur minim aliqua esse incididunt minim amet exercitation.


Experts Web Design Tips

Exercitation velit dolor consequat enim veniam nulla dolor sunt laborum non magna ad veniam consequat minim.


Importance Of Web Design

Excepteur ut commodo incididunt ut in commodo voluptate anim do elit occaecat commodo ut ea sint sunt.


Avoid These Erros In UI Design

Occaecat dolor dolore ut ut sint deserunt dolore incididunt mollit anim magna fugiat et ex fugiat anim esse ea.


Make Mobile Website Faster

Lorem ipsum eiusmod eiusmod aliquip tempor duis in dolor id labore sed commodo magna qui quis dolor eu.


How Sell Digital Product

Veniam ut ex sed dolor eiusmod labore in enim elit fugiat eu proident minim ut cillum aliquip amet eiusmod.

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